Hypermedia as Integration: Recollections, Reflections and
Keynote Address, Hypertext '96 Conference
Washington, DC, March 20, 1996
Randall H. Trigg
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Copyright © 1996 Xerox Corporation
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It's truly an honor to be invited to give this keynote. Even
though my involvement in hypermedia has ebbed and flowed over
the years, I've always felt an ongoing commonality with this
community and its goals. To give you one example, I've been
impressed and pleased ever since the 1987 Chapel Hill conference at
the continuing active participation and interchange of two groups
Frank Halasz called the "engineers" and the "literati." This is not to
say that we've always completely understood each other, but over
the years, we've pushed and pulled across that "boundary" -
strengthening and deepening the work of both sides. A brilliant example is
Jim Rosenberg's
groundbreaking theoretical work on structuring and composites, which is in
part informed by the innovative structures of hypertext fiction and poetry,
like his own Intergrams.[1] This
bridging has always felt wonderfully appropriate for a field whose
primary concern is linking. So there's a first sense of integration that
we've been involved in for years.
I'll start with a brief and "coarse" history of hypermedia
systems. This will point to how I'm going to be using the term
"integration," and set up a very current example to show just how
controversial and political these issues can get.
Then I'll present a brief "guided tour" through the hypermedia
systems I've been associated with over the years. This will get my
biases and prejudices about integration on the table and into a
historical context.
Next, in the "reflections" part of the talk, I'll revisit Frank Halasz's
landmark keynote at the
HT'91 conference. Those of you who
were there remember how aptly he captured the state of the field. I
think you'll also see how prescient that talk was, and how relevant
the issues continue to be today.
Finally, I'll issue a few exhortations - some integration perspectives
we ought to be pursuing today.
Here is a collection of some of the senses of integration that
have played a key role in our work at different times and in different
ways. Some of these have received lots of attention, others maybe
need a bit more. (For example, I've had some fun chats with Cathy Marshall
about linking across the offline/online boundary, an area we might
consider investigating deeper.) I'm sure you can add your own senses
of integration to this list.
To get us started, here's a rashly oversimplified, but I hope
familiar history of our field, or at least the system-building part of it.
Rather than looking at the full richness of the different "generations"
of hypermedia as others have done, I'm focusing on these "eras" as
indicative of which integration goals were predominant.
So, for instance, I'm starting the first era at the time working
hypermedia systems appeared on the scene in the 60's with
NLS/Augment being the outstanding example. Sometimes today,
we look back on these monolithic systems as antiquated elephants, as
biting off more than they could chew, trying to cover all of the user's
computing needs under one roof.
But it's important to remember that the goal was the noble one of
offering integration to users. Unfortunately, there wasn't much out there
in the way of "applications" to link. Was there really a better text editor, or
programming environment alternative to that offered by Augment?
In addition, there wasn't an
infrastructure for connecting separate programs - each hypermedia
developer had to design their own.
The second era was marked by the "open systems" movement. Here we
acknowledged the existence (and dominance) of powerful specialized
programs. The goal of integration was transformed to one of
designing the glue to connect these applications and their documents
Today we're seeing the ascendance of other goals of
integration, of global distribution, and radical decentralization via
the World-Wide Web.
One thing we've learned to do in these (post-modern?) times is to
mistrust sequential, "progress" view of history. History always
seems to turn out to be more cyclical upon closer inspection. Indeed,
the goals of those early developers are with us still, things have just
gotten complicated in some different ways. As a result, we
sometimes find ourselves re-learning the same lessons over and
Here's the home page for a "feature" of the latest Netscape
Navigator web browser, support for email services.[2] Let me read you the
opening lines:
"Do I really need another mail server? If you're like most companies
you probably have at least one or even several mail systems already.
In fact, you probably have at least several different vendors' mail
solutions. So why should you purchase a Netscape Mail Server and
add another one?"
My questions exactly! Is this a step forward?
Now, we've had support for sending email from web browsers
for awhile - there's a "mailto" protocol that embeds this in html link
tags. But email browsing and management is a whole different kettle of
fish. There are good programs based on years of iterative
development. I'm a fan of Eudora
myself which integrates rather
well with the web. I can "command-click" on a URL in an email
message on my mac, to cause Netscape to display that page. Sure,
Netscape 2.0 lets you render html in the message. But unless you
think HTML ought to be the replacement for ascii, this basically
saves one key click.
I want to use this example to raise a few hard questions about
integration. For example, whose interests are best being served
here? Imagine an alternative where Netscape and Qualcomm (producers of Eudora)
an alliance, leaving each responsible for what it does best. After all,
we do see such alliances. Has someone at Netscape decided that the
battle with Microsoft is better served through "colonizing" more of
the desktop, in effect returning to monolithic agendas?
But we need to be very careful about casting stones here. First, I
know I'm not alone in worrying about the alternative if Netscape
loses the battle with Miscrosoft. But more importantly, the question
of how best to support integration is hard. Clearly the standards
and infrastructure have to be in place before smooth "boundary
crossings" can succeed. Here's where work done in this community
has so much to offer. Witness for example, the exciting open
hypermedia systems workshop that took
place earlier at this conference. I only hope the
Microsofts and Netscapes of the world are listening.
Now I'd like to follow the thread of integration at a more
personal level. Some of you may be surprised (and relieved!) to see
that Dexter isn't on this timeline.[3]
It's not a system, but still had a big influence on my
research and turned out to be extremely valuable for work in
integration. After all, Dexter itself was an overt attempt to
integrate the experiences of the foremost hypermedia systems of the
late 1980's.
I've gotten a bit of a reputation for having been the first to get a
Ph.D. in hypertext.[4] But some of my
colleagues used to correct me,
saying I was the first to "get away with it"!
In looking back, I think two integration goals were at the heart of my
thesis. One came from having been inspired by Ted Nelson's vision
of Xanadu in his classic text,
Computer Lib, and by Doug Engelbart's
project. I thought what was needed was an approach that
integrated both styles of interconnecting information. At the same
time, I was intrigued by the "CSCW" side of Vannevar Bush's vision -
how scientists and academics distributed across networks could work
together, commenting on and critiquing each others writings.
Though these two endeavors wound up taking up most of my
thesis, there was one chapter in between that formed the glue
between them, and is the only part of my thesis that I'm still asked
about today.
I had decided that hypertext links needed "types" (really
"labels") that could distinguish in what way the link was serving
either as a traversible connection, a structuring means, or an
argument representation. Within each of these, I mapped out a finer-grained
semantics. Based on a study of published articles and peer
commentaries, here was my proposal for link types in support of
As it turned out, the most important issue raised by my thesis was
how a link mechanism could integrate representation of
relatiohnships, structure, and traversal.
One more point about my thesis that is especially interesting today: The
chapter on link types was required at the end by the outside member
of my committee, Dagobert
Soergel, a professor from the College of Library and Information Services
at the University of Maryland. In those days,
"digital libraries" were the focus of study by Dagobert and
others, but they had to wait just as long as we for the rest of the
world to finally catch on. I'll return to the issue of learning from
librarians later on.
Coming to Xerox in 1984 was in many ways like meeting old
friends. We hadn't known about each others' work, but NoteCards
development had followed many of the same goals.[5] Fileboxes were
a link-based hierarchical structuring mechanism, showing that links
could marry both structuring styles, though we later came to see that
this was a mistake.[6] NoteCards also
had link types, though rather
than predefined sets for particular applications, there were only a few
built-in together with support for user definition. Later when we built the
"programmer's interface," functionality could be associated with
these link types.
One day we got the idea to treat all the notefiles we could get
our hands on as a kind of "data" and gather some statistics. Here is
the list of all the link types we found that people had created. It's a
fascinating collection - and I'm sorry we didn't look much harder at
them while we still had access to their creators and contexts.
"Link types" have come a long way since then, forming a piece of what George Landow called the "rhetoric of hypertext."[7] But the
question of tailorable versus standard semantics is still relevant
Another study conducted by Melissa Monty revealed important
aspects of the way our hypertext interface was engineered.[8] Her warnings against
forcing "premature" atomization, filing and the like, led us not only to
support different styles, but also to allow for smooth movement
between them.
Frank Halasz said in 1991 that "Happiness is Notecards in the
rearview mirror." Indeed, his critique of NoteCards identified
vital issues for the field (a few of which we'll get to later). But in
thinking about the positive side of what we accomplished, I think
first of our users, a motley crew that were crucially "out of our
hands." Here's an example of how we learned from a user about a
rich sense of versioning, what we might call "chronological"
integration.[9] This is a tiny piece of a
NoteCards user's thesis notefile.
When he explained to Peggy Irish and me what he was up to, he
started from these two outlines - the "old" and the "new." But those
terms had a relative meaning at best. Both outlines had been around
for awhile and would persist usefully for some time to come. The
"transition" phase between them ended up comprising much of his
thesis work. Even if we could have provided automated support for
"restructuring" his hypertext world, he wouldn't have wanted it. In
fact, one of the things he liked best about NoteCards was the way it
let him live simultaneoulsy coming out of the old and into the new.
Here's hypermedia at its best - overlapping structures supporting
multiple views. This suggests defining the goal of integration as
supporting work that "rides" some boundary or transition -
supporting change, but at its own pace.
Roschelle and I worked on a system meant to offer
better integration across multiple media, in particular, video.[10] Here
on the left, you may be able to see the shaded scroll bar
"thumb" that moved down the timeline as the video played. The
boxes are what our users called "landmines," link anchors that,
when encountered, automatically brought up their destinations,
say, a bit of transcript or graphic explanation for a piece of video.
The anchors had duration; each window would close as the
thumb fell off the other end of its landmine.
This was a big hit with our users, social
scientists using video in their analysis. They loved the ability to link
from their videotapes to their descriptions, but hated the text editor
we left them in. Ah, back to Era 1 integration. We were in an
Allegro Lisp environment on the Macintosh which had an emacs-like
editor with some minimal text formatting. But unlike the early days,
there were better editors around. In particular, our users
were long-time MS Word addicts. Couldn't we please link the video
to MSWord?
Like any self-respecting hypermedia researcher receiving a
challenge like that, I ran away. In fact, I left the country. But of
course, there is no escape. There on the other side of the ocean in a
city called Aarhus, Kaj
Grønbæk and his colleagues
were running
into the same problem. This time we agreed to take it up as a central
driving design goal (as were the Microcosm folks at
among others). Kaj's studies of engineering work at Great Belt had
shown an overriding need for linking across diverse third-party
applications as well as a need for support for multiple
platforms.[11] Integration agendas were
the order of the day. We
chose Dexter as the basis of our framework,[12] but that's another
Recently along with many of the folks in this room,
we've begun worrying about WWW integration and all the infrastructural,
networked, decentralized issues it raises. I think we have a ways to
go before we get deep integration that will let us "ride" the boundary
between local and world-wide hypertexts.[13]
Some of you remember two earlier conferences at which Frank
Halasz voiced some strong, provocative closing words, in 1987
where the result was his "Seven Issues" paper, and in 1991 when he
revisited that analysis.[14] Who knows,
perhaps we should revisit
Frank's issues again in five years to see what they might have to say
about the next millenium.
Now it's incredibly hard to refrain from talking about every one
of Frank's issues. Looking back in preparing this talk, they each
spoke volumes in today's WWW world. Realizing that not all of you
have those b&w copies of his slides handed out at the end of HT'91, I
got Frank's approval to put them up on the web, along with a
transcript of the talk made by John Leggett and Cindy Kunz at Texas A&M
I can only look briefly at three of Frank's issues here. Please do check out
the rest yourself.
The first issue that jumped out at me was, "Very large
hypertexts" remembering that the WWW hadn't taken off then.
Here, Frank named the "barriers" to hypertexts bigger than 10K
nodes. All quite reasonable issues when you look back at them. So
what happened? People have big disorientation problems on the
web. Until very recently (with WYSIWYG editors like Adobe Page
Mill) document
input and link creation is painful. Privacy has only recently
been addressed. Heterogeneity amounts to HTML plus a few image formats.
Could it be that the success of the WWW is due to the resolution
of the other two problems - addressing the problem of scale by means of the
already installed base of internet users,
and the resolving of LAN/WAN issues by enabling TCP at the personal
Judge for yourself, I suspect that Tim Berners-Lee's focus on a
particular group of users and their needs helped alot - as did some
adept politicking on his part. And let's give credit to the power of
links even as impoverished as embedded "goto's" are. WWW as
distributed HyperCard?
In 1991, Frank was preoccupied with the "tyranny of links" as he called it. He
urged us to look
hard at alternatives to linking. The way things turned out here is
also fascinating. The web is certainly full of links, but there has been progress
a couple of the important alternatives, serious search & query support, and
computed links (via CGI scripts).
No, the problem isn't that we're preoccupied with links, it's that we have lost
track of structure! HTML is flat inside pages, and across pages there
is no explicit representations of higher order structures. Fortunately
there's hope on the horizon with projects like Hyper-G and
attempts to bring SGML to the web. It's ironic - Frank
probably never expected the WWW to take up computed links and
virtual structures, but leave behind composites!
Here's a quick example of what's missing. How often have you
done a search for a home page for someone, and had to wade
through pages of other hits (depending on how popular the person
is, or how common their name). Our search engines could easily
retrieve home pages, if they were only marked as such. We'll come
back to this need for cataloging in just a moment.
The example with search is just one place where structure is
crucial. Here I've tried to depict another sense of integration - this
time the boundary we want to "ride" is between degrees of
structuredness (i.e. between the elements of this table). Each of the
kinds of navigation aids so well studied in our field ought to have
both kinds of instantiations. I look forward to the day when
structure available, say on a local host maintained by industrious
webmasters, can smoothly and transparently be made visible to a
web visitor and just as smoothly gracefully degrade when she leaves
for the "wide open spaces."
In short, structure may be the crucial distinction between
our view of hypermedia and the WWW's.
Alright, here's the moment where you get to ask what in the
world all this history and looking back can say for what we should be
doing now. Certainly, we need to bring structure to the web. Keith Instone's
workshop on hypermedia
research and the WWW at this conference is a first step in that direction.
What else? Well, here are three of my personal exhortations.
First, just to recapitulate, I think we need to look back at our own
field for ideas that could influence current developments. Bush,
Nelson, and Engelbart have gotten well-deserved attention over the
years, but there are other long-lasting and significant projects in our
field. To pick just one example, I'd recommend ZOG/KMS - many
of their earlier ideas including their provocative UI perspectives are
quite relevant today.[15]
Second, I recommend doing more of what we've long shown a
talent for - looking to other fields for inspiration. Here, I will plug the
cross-fertilization that is happening with digital library work.
Finally, I want to exhort you toward a somewhat different kind of
integration involving community building.
The great thing about the digital library craze is how much
we're learning from librarians, not just how much we can
teach them about technology. Let's take a look at one kind of library work,
Here, I'm drawing on recent work by David Levy, a colleague
at Xerox PARC and a name known to some of you from the Digital
Libraries conferences. He has been studying cataloging in a
particularly engaged way. His sources include histories, textbooks,
and ongoing "live" debates. From these, he's starting to develop
recommendations for the value and potential role cataloging could
have on the web.[16]
David characterizes the work of catalogers generally as
maintaining stability and controlling variability.[17] Moreover, they participate in defining
the bounds of
variability. Better understandings of cataloging will surely have
implications for the development of URNs, URCs and the like. But
I want to pick up another of David's threads, what the catalogers
call "finding aids."
Long used by the archival community, these remind me a bit of
hypermedia "guided tours."[18] Used to
describe large stable
document collections, they have both a structured and a narrative
quality. A researcher at Berkeley, David Pitti, has designed a
structured SGML representation for finding aids which he is
proposing be adopted as a web standard.
Here, have a look at Pitti's web pages. One of the
nice features is that his
structures can be browsed with standard non-SGML enhanced web
browsers, thanks to on-the-fly translation by DynaWeb. As I
from the inserts in our conference packet, our own Steve de Rose deserves
much of the credit here.
There are many archives in several institutions which have
been cataloged with Pitti's finding aids. This one is housed at
Berkeley, the records of the Nicaraguan Information Center which
bequeathed all its documents to the university library in 1991 when
the center closed its doors. Here's the high level structure which
includes narrative descriptions of content as well as details on the
physical holdings. For example, I learned that this archive occupies
some 235 linear feet.
Here is a view of "Series 5," a bunch of containers holding the
center's news clipping collection. Notice the structure labeled "where you
are" captured at the top of the page.
If you do a search, the hits are represented "in context" very
much in the Sup
erBook style. For example, there are three hits on
"contragate" in Series 5. Clicking on the link shows us pages marked
up with hits, again in context. The feeling is one of smooth
transparent access - one does familiar sorts of searches, but structure
is a resource and is represented as appropriate.
Notice the way Finding Aids provide links across the
offline/online boundary, a kind of integration we haven't perhaps
focused so much on.
Pitti's work is also making the knowledge and expertise of the
archival community available for possible application on the web. I
look forward to exploring "finding aids" as a means of structuring
complex collections of evolving digitized and offline material.
Now I want to change gears slightly to look more at human
activity and what hypermedia might have to do with that. (That is,
human activity outside the use of technology.) On the web, one often
hears a distinction made between two perspectives. The
predominant one is an "information" perspective where activities
include advertising, "information seeking," and "content creation."
(I love the term "content," as though people's authoring is a matter
of filling containers.) A less prevalent perspective is
that of "communication," though of course, email is still a large part of
internet use. Here one begins to see activities that are associated
with the forming of communities, like collaborating, mobilizing and
volunteering. My question is what role hypermedia is having and
might have in supporting those activities.
I'm struck in particular by the interplay here between the
functions of email and what we could call evolving shared structures
(i.e. inter-linked pages). Links bring something new to the table, and
I bet one could learn alot by comparing the formations of internet
communities before and after the WWW. Granted, shared WWW
structures are inadequate for true collaborative work, but things
were much worse in the days when we only had ftp. We could call
this kind of link-augmented communicating, "networking by
Let me give you one of my favorite examples of this kind of
networking on the web. Jervay Place is a public housing project in
Wilmington, NC that a couple of years ago was being threatened
with demolition. At that time, half the housing units were boarded
up - the other half were almost all households headed by single
African-American women. A group of these women formed what
they called the Jervay Task Force, to start negotiations with the local
and federal housing authorities hoping to gain influence over what
would succeed Jervay. The task force argued that they should be
given an opportunity to live in the new buildings that would succeed
Jervay Place. And furthermore that they should have a role in
planning and even designing these buildings. Lacking expertise in
architecture and community planning, they went to a local public
access computer which was on the internet and which they had
begun to learn their way around. They started with an eail appeal
for help to several usenet lists covering alternative community
housing. Lots of positve responses came back and a few architects
outright volunteered their time. The task force women then sent the
city's plans (which had been a struggle to procure) to these architects
who commented on and critiqued them, proposing some alternatives.
The task force then sat down at a meeting with the housing
authority, with the experts' proposals in hand. This gave them a kind of
credibility at the table they otherwise wouldn't have had. This
enlisting of participation at a distance played a role in the success of
their interactions.
Meanwhile the task force had gotten hold of some disk space
on the city's host machine and put up web pages to
keep their new
found supporters informed of the progress of the negotiations. Over the last
nine months, a wealth of materials have
appeared there including reports like this one of another meeting.
And pictures like these letting the "community" of supporters
get a better sense for Jervay and its residents.
Though the internet part of this story started with an email call for
help, the evolving network of web pages was instrumental in
forming a lasting presence that could sustain existing connections.
In other cases of using the web for forming social communities,
things might be ordered differently, say, starting
with web pages and then looking for input and volunteers to help "fill the
gaps." First links, then
I leave to you to count the kinds of "integration" happening in
these examples. And encourage us all to think about hypermedia's
role in this, the underreported (and undervalued) side of the
As Cathy Marshall said
earlier this week, we're on the web
alright, but we're still very much "in the box." Perhaps broadening
our perspective from linking to integration in all its rich variety can
pull us now and then out of the box and into the world.
One last shameless plug: If you're interested in learning more
about "communication" perspectives on the web (and many other
important issues), check out Computer
Professionals for Social
Responsibility, an organization that offers an alternative point of
view to those of the sometimes overwhelming commercial interests
that surround us and our work.
Last modified: Fri Feb 6 17:40:32 1998
Randy Trigg trigg@workpractice.com